All of this was a lot, but every step has been pivotal in my journey of health and personal growth. Learning and growing is simple, but not always easy. Starting my own health journey, years ago, helped me to see that my medical conditions were affected by my diet. I found a great program that helped me lose 50 pounds and I learned healthier habits. I could see that eating better and exercising was helping me heal and it positively impacted my sleep, mood, mental clarity, and energy.
1. Becoming more aware of myself and my (physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional) health.
2. Getting a better understanding of my nutrition so I can support and eat according to my goals.
3. Improving my mindset so I can overcome my limiting beliefs and stop my negative self-talk.
4. Setting goals so I’m clear on what I need to focus on and can keep my commitment to myself.
5. Planning for my decision so don’t negotiate with myself and can overcome any obstacles.
6. Form habits of healthy motion and exercises that I enjoy and help me feel better.
7. Surround myself with supportive friends, and family that help me hold myself accountable.
8. Practice daily mindfulness and meditation so that I allow my mind and body time to rest and unplug.
9. Daily journaling helps me analyze and reflect my thoughts, goals, dreams, and life.
Adopting these habits has transformed my life. I’ve never been perfect, and I’m still not, but I’m grateful I brought myself back around to a health journey that is helping me live a healthy lifestyle. I’m also grateful that I decided to become a Health and Life Coach and pay it forward, by empowering others to learn, heal, and grow towards achieving their goals, as well.